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Golden Maple Orchid  Pavilion

Guo Xingqi's Literary Achievements

Picture-1-Guo Xingqi's literary attainments.png

Lecture by Guo Xingqi

Picture-2-Guo Xingqi's lecture.png
Picture-3-Guo Xingqi's lecture.png

Guo Xingqi's poems with paintings

Picture-4-Guo Xingqi's poems and paintings.jpg

Guo Xingqi's poems with paintings of the moon

Picture-5-Guo Xingqi's poem with moon painting.jpg

Guo Xingqi's Poems with Paintings of Clouds

Picture-6-Guo Xingqi's poems with painted clouds.jpg

Produced by Xing Baozhong for the Golden Maple Mid-Autumn Festival Cloud Gathering

Picture-7-Produced by Xing Baozhong for the Golden Maple Mid-Autumn Cloud Party.jpg

Xing Baozhong's poems with paintings

Picture-8-Xing Baozhong's poems and paintings.jpg
Picture-10-Xing Baozhong's poems and paintings.jpg

Catalog of Dr. Wang Li's books

Picture-11-Dr. Wang Li's Book Catalog.jpg

Dr. Wang Li calls for Chinese to vote

Picture-12-Dr. Wang Li calls on Chinese people to vote.jpg

Guo Xingqi: "Happy Birthday to You - My Homeland in Canada"

"Mother's Love" Poetry and Recitation

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